Portmeirion Pottery Compleat Angler 10.5 Inch Dinner Plate, Perch, CA129 - Portmeirion

Portmeirion Pottery Compleat Angler 10.5 Inch Dinner Plate, Perch, CA129

A Vintage Portmeirion 10.5 Inch Dinner Plate, From The Compleat Angler Range, By Susan Williams-Ellis.

This beautiful dinner plate is  decorated with the PERCH – No.6 Perca Fluviatilis

This plate has the green oval backstamp marking it a a slight second. 

There are imperfections in the glaze, please see the photographs.

We have a handy motif guide to all the Compleat Angler designs available here

Approx Dimensions:-

10.5 in (26.5 cm) diam 

Compleat Angler

Susan Williams-Ellis and her husband had a thing about collecting beautifully illustrated books and colour illustrations from the 1800's. In this range of pottery, specifically designed by Susan with men in mind, and how difficult they can be finding presents for, they found a book lavishly illustrated with original paintings of fish by M J Lydon, called The Compleat Angler, which Susan used as the basis for the new pattern. Using the same title as the book, The Compleat Angler range was launched in 1981. Seven fabulously illustrated fish are used in the range: Salmon, Great Lake Trout, Sewen (Welsh Trout), Gillaroo, Alpine Char, Perch and Pike and have either grey banding or a fern pattern around the edge. All the pieces have a Rococo-style makers mark on the base constructed of dolphins and shells.

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