
This range of hand painted Portmeirion ware was designed by one of the renowned and skilled 'Longton Ladies' Debbie Wood in 1996. She designed this range exclusively for the Midland based chain of china shops called 'James the Second'. The range comprised of adorable farm animals such as chickens, cows, ducks, pigs, sheep and cat. Most of the short lived range of items was painted by Debbie Wood herself but there are examples of  items having been painted by other experienced paintresses from the Portmeirion Studio. All the paintresses left their own signature mark on the items they painted.

Portmeirion set up a hand painting department at the factory in the early 1990’s, creating a team of very skilled handpaintresses known as ‘The Longton Ladies’. They created many new designs including ‘Mandarin’ for John Lewis, ‘Lemon Grove’ for Harrods and ‘Orchard Fruits’ for Lawleys. Many more designs followed including ‘The Llanelli Cockerel’, ‘Summer Fruits’, ‘Peach Tree’, ‘Sweet Pea’, ‘Barnyard’, ‘Portmeirion Dolphin’, ‘Magnolia’ and ‘Kitchen Garden’. The quality of the work by ‘The Longton Ladies’ was far superior to anything available in the United Kingdom at that time but the department was closed in the spring of 1997 due to company re-structuring

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